Whenever you upload information on a web hosting server, it will take an amount of space on the hdd depending on its particular size. When you have a script-driven site which stores its information in a database, you will need more space, the more people work with it. To give an example, in case you have a community forum, the more comments people write, the bigger the database will get. E-mail messages, particularly ones using attachments, also need some space in the site hosting account. The HDD space quota that you will get with each cloud hosting supplier is the total amount of information you can have at any given moment, and this contains website files, e-mail messages as well as databases. Likewise, a computer has a hard disk and the programs installed on it and all the docs or music files that you make or download require storage, which cannot exceed the total capacity of your hard drive.

Disk Space in Cloud Hosting

Our cloud hosting packages were developed with the concept that deficiency of storage space cannot be something that will obstruct the development of your web sites. Because of this we've taken an approach which is more advanced than the one that most hosting suppliers apply - instead of making a variety of accounts on one server and eventually not having enough hard disk space, we use a cloud hosting platform in which the storage is handled by a whole group of servers. Thus, we're able to add more machines in case they're needed and more hard disks, in order to provide you with more disk space for all of the files of our users. Different clusters manage the e-mail messages as well as your databases, which means that not only can you enhance your web sites without worrying about storage space, but also all of the servers will perform better and faster due to the fact that each service has its own storage space and an individual server doesn't handle different kinds of files.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you buy a semi-dedicated server package from our firm, you'll not have to worry about the hdd space that you can use due to the basic reason that this attribute is unlimited. By contrast to various other website hosting companies who advertise a similar service, yet generate accounts using just a single machine where quite a limited number of hdds can be fitted, we use a revolutionary cloud system that uses groups of servers. All your files will be located on one cluster, your email messages on a separate one, the databases on a third one etc. This type of system provides at least two major advantages - first, the hdd storage will never finish as we can connect additional servers to any cluster that requires them, and second, the servers will work much more smoothly for they'll be in charge of just a single type of processes. A semi-dedicated server package provides you the option to enhance your sites as much as you need.

Disk Space in VPS Servers

All our VPS servers include disk space allocations proportional to the processing power that you will get with each and every package. Using a higher package, for instance, it is more likely that you'll host various domains or a huge web site, that is why your hdd storage grows as you upgrade your package. When you use our Hepsia hosting Control Panel, all domains will share the storage, and if you employ cPanel or DirectAdmin, you can set up individual website hosting accounts and preset a limited volume of the whole VPS space for every individual domain. You will even be able to allot hard disk storage from one domain to another when necessary. When you order a particular VPS plan and you need additional space at some point, you can upgrade to a greater plan with no more than a couple of mouse-clicks in your billing section. The additional system resources will be added to your existing plan without any server downtime or content migration.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers

With all the disk storage that we supply with all our Linux dedicated servers, we guarantee that you will be able to operate any type of web site regardless of its overall size. You'll get a minimum of 500 GB storage space, which you can employ as you see fit - even for private file depository. By default, you will get 2 hard disks, which can be used independent of each other, to make use of their total storage capacity, or they can be connected in RAID so that one will be a copy the second one in real time to ensure that you won't miss crucial data in the event of a hardware breakdown. You'll also be given the opportunity to add additional drives to increase the overall HDD storage available even more. This allows you to build a file or image storage portal without a problem if you'd like. With the DirectAdmin and cPanel hosting Control Panels that we provide, you can create an individual account for every single website that you host on your server and set a quota for the storage it'll be allowed to use. If you select the third alternative, our custom-made Hepsia Control Panel, all of your domains will be operated in a single and they will share the full server HDD storage.